Modifying a Child Custody Order
Your child’s needs will inevitably change as they age, so you might need to modify some or all of your custody arrangement. Similarly, your circumstances might change, such as your income, living situation, employment, and other matters, in which case you could request the modification of your child custody order.
The simplest method for modifying a custody order in New Jersey involves parents coming to an out-of-court agreement and then seeking court approval for the changes. If you reach a verbal agreement without a court order, enforcing the agreement will be difficult if the other parent violates the terms.
If you and your child’s other parent cannot agree on a modification to your custody order, you will need to file a motion in court seeking the changes you want. But remember, the court will not simply grant a modification request without reason. There must be proof that your circumstances have changed substantially and that a modification of the order is in your child’s best interests.