Need Assistance After a Car Accident???

seek workers' compensation benefits in New Jersey

Need Assistance After a Car Accident???

Here is what you should know:

Let us assume that you are involved in a vehicle collision where you sustain serious personal injuries. As a result of your injuries, you may need to obtain extensive medical treatment.

Q. Outside of notifying any close relatives or loved ones, who should you then call regarding this accident?

A. Your motor vehicle insurance company.

Q. Who will pay for the medical bills related to your medical treatment from this accident?

A. Let us assume you have selected your automobile insurance as primary, then your automobile insurance is responsible for paying these medical bills.

Q. What do you need to do in order for your motor vehicle insurance company to pay your medical bills?

A. Fill out the Application for Personal Injury Protection Benefits (also known as PIP Benefits), which you may obtain through your car insurance.

Q. How are any motor vehicle accident-related medical bills paid through car insurance?

A. Through a provision in your policy which provides for Personal Injury Protection Benefits. These benefits are payable regardless of fault.

Q. Will your insurance pay all your medical bills arising from this accident?

A. Your insurance will pay up to $250,000.00 for all reasonable and necessary medical bills arising from your accident.

Q. What is the standard coverage for Personal Injury Protection?

A. $250,000.00

Q. Can you increase coverage for Personal Injury Protection Benefits?

A. You can purchase additional coverage up to $1,000,000.00 in PIP Benefits.

Q. What if your medical bills exceed the coverage provided under your PIP benefits?

A. If you have health insurance, then it should cover those bills. Otherwise, it would become part of your personal injury claim. Any lawsuit for personal injuries can include claims for compensation for pain and suffering, permanency of your injuries and any economic loss related to your motor vehicle accident.

Q. What if you are successful in your claim against the driver who caused your injuries? Where does the money come from to compensate you for your injuries?

A. Any compensation for your accident-related injuries would be paid through the liability portion of the other driver’s insurance company.

Q. Let us assume the driver who caused your injuries is uninsured. Is there coverage available that will compensate you for your injuries?

A. Every automobile insurance policy issued in New Jersey has uninsured motorist coverage that will compensate you for your accident-related injuries.

Q. Let us also assume that due to your accident-related injuries, you are out of work for a minimum of 4 months. What can you do to replace your income while you are out of work?

A. If you contribute to state disability, you can obtain temporary disability benefits from the State of New Jersey.

Q. What happens if you have exhausted State Temporary Disability Benefits? Where else could you obtain additional income continuation?

A. As part of your Personal Injury Protection Benefits (PIP), you can purchase “Income Continuation Benefits,” which can provide additional compensation while you are out of work.

Learn more about:  Car Accidents

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