- “Lien” on Me: A Primer on Liens
- $1 Million for Boiler Repairman’s “Scalding” Premises Liability Injury
- $1 Million Settlement on Swim Club Race Bias Suit
- $1,250,000 for construction accident victim
- $1,675,000 Settlement for Restaurant Slip and Fall
- $1.1 Million for Professor’s Mental Health Injury in Auto Accident
- $1.1 Million Pre-Trial Settlement for Bus Accident Victim
- $1.3 Million Dollar Settlement for Accident on GW Bridge that Resulted in Death of Tractor Trailer Operator
- $1.3 Million Dollar Settlement for Accident on GW Bridge that Resulted in Death of Tractor Trailer Operator
- $1.35 Million for Steel Trucker’s “Unstable Load” Injury
- $1.4 Million Dollar Settlement in Motor Vehicle Accident
- $1.4 Million Dollar Settlement in Truck Accident
- $100,000 for Knee Injury in Dog Attack
- $100,000 for Personal Injury in High-Heel Stairway Fall
- $101,000 to Bricklayer for Scaffold Fall
- $13,750 Settlement For Police Officer in Deli Revenge Case
- $14.3 Million for Editor’s Severe Head Injuries in Auto Injuries
- $175,000.00 for Construction Accident Case
- $185,000 (Partial Settlement) to Electrician for Asbestos-related Cancer
- $2 Million for Stem Cell Researcher from Spinal Injury Auto Accident
- $2 Million Settlement in SUV Accident Case
- $2.55 Million in “Stop Sign” Auto Accident
- $20,000 to Government Typist for Repetitive Motion Injury
- $250,000 for Widow in Workers' Compensation Case
- $260,000 in Child's Slip & Fall Injury The Dislodged Teeth
- $3.5 Million for Down’s Syndrome Adult In Auto Accident
- $300,000 In Additional Insurance Premiums Saved
- $315,000 to surviving family of woman killed in auto accident
- $4 Million for Paralyzing Injury from Amusement Park Waterslide Ride
- $4.47 Million in Paralyzing Injury from Swimming Pool Diving Accident
- $4+ Million "Family Farm" Estate Litigation
- $400,000.00 Settlement for Construction Accident
- $400,000+ for Prevailing Wage Violation for Union Electricians
- $425,000 for Neck & Spinal Injuries in Missile Silo Clean-up “Missing Floor Fall”
- $5.5 Million for “Electrifying” Construction Site Injury
- $500,000 for Senior’s Personal Injury in Crossing Street
- $571,626.66 Jury Verdict for Trip and Fall Accident
- $600,000.00 Awarded to Construction Worker
- $65,000 to Factory Worker for Dust, Noise and Stress Injuries
- $650,000 Settlement to Woman Injured in Truck Accident
- $700,000 to Diabetic Plumber Injured at Construction Site
- $75,000 to Technician for Grease Burn Injury
- $750,000 for Defective Product in “Scalding Water Leak” Injury
- $750,000 for Leg Injuries in “Swerving” Unidentified Motorist (UIM) Auto Accident
- $8.8 Million in Paralyzing Swimming Pool Injury
- $800,000 for Auto Accident Victim
- $900,000 for “Crash & Drag” Injuries at Construction Site
- $95,000 for Man Injured in Auto Accident
- $950,000 for Spinal Injuries in a Friend’s Car Auto Accident
- 10 Commandments for Aquatic Safety in Swimming Pools
- 5 Attorneys Named "New Jersey Super Lawyers"
- A Cure Worse Than the Disease? A Look at Medical Malpractice in the Context of a Workers' Compensation Claim
- A Primer on Motorcycle Accidents in New Jersey
- A Workers' Compensation Primer
- About Us
- Abusing The Power of Attorney
- Airbags in Motor Vehicles Can Lead to Personal Injuries
- Alcohol Related Accidents
- Alimony and Child Support In New Jersey: When Your Former Spouse Changes Careers
- Amputations
- Andrew Watson of Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman Elected as President of the Princeton Bar Association
- Anne McHugh Confirmed Trustee at State College of New Jersey
- Anne McHugh presents at the ATLA NJ Boardwalk Seminar
- Appealing a Workers’ Compensation Denial in Lawrence Township, NJ
- Appeals
- As seen in the Star Ledger: $2.26M Fraud Judgment Against Workers Shakes Labor Landscape
- Assembly Bill 3999/Senate Bill 2380 intitled “An Act Concerning Essential Employees Contracting Coronavirus 2019”.
- Attorney Gary Adams testifies before the Senate Labor Committee in support of legislation to increase workers' compensation awards.
- Attorney Nicole Huckerby to participate in the Breast Cancer 3-Day
- Attorneys Kendall Medway and Jennifer Rubin Haythorn selected to the 2014 Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars List
- ATV and Off-Road Vehicle Accident
- Avoid Motor Vehicle Accidents: Removing Snow and Ice on Vehicles, The Duty is Yours
- Avoiding Water-Related Injuries
- Back, Neck, and Spinal Cord
- Battered Spouses And Divorce
- Bedsores and Ulcers - Medical Malpractice
- Before You Mediate Your Divorce
- Benefits Recovered for Dust, Dirt, Fumes at Work That Caused Chronic Bronchitis
- Benefits Recovered for Repetitive Motion Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Office Worker
- Beware of Joint Bank Accounts
- Beware of Voluntary Payments. Be Sure to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
- Bicycle Accidents
- Bill Expanding Workers' Comp Benefit For 'Essential Workers' Advanced By Labor Committee
- Boat Accident
- Bone Fracture
- Brain Injury
- Brain Injury and Proof Problems Facing the Injury Attorney
- Bruce P. Miller selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2013.
- Bruce P. Miller selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2014
- Bruce P. Miller, Esq. was selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America 2015 in the field of Workers' Compensation Law - Claimant
- Bruce P. Miller, Esquire testifies before the New Jersey Senate Labor Committee
- Burn Injuries
- Bus Accidents
- Can DNA Testing Be Used To Disinherit A Potential Heir?
- Can You Remove Your Child From New Jersey After Divorce?
- Car Accident
- Car accident victim suffering severe injuries awarded $250,000
- Car Accidents & Municipal Court
- Careful Where You Walk: Slip and Fall Injuries
- Carpenter Hired by Friends for Renovation Covered by Workers’ Compensation
- Cause-of-Death Estate Litigation in Airplane Accident
- Child Custody
- Choosing a Divorce Attorney
- Choosing And Evaluating Your Attorney
- Client receives $130,000 in slip and fall
- Client receives $90,000.00 from Condominium Association
- Commercial Truck Accidents in New Jersey
- Constitutional Convention In Delaware Township School 8th Grade Class Receives Special Counsel
- Construction Accidents
- Contact
- Contesting a Will: Protect Your Parents From Undue Influence
- Convinced Health Insurance Company HMO to Pay for Medical Treatment
- Court Reverses Fines on School Association’s Striking Workers
- COVID-19
- Crush Injuries
- Dangerous Conditions on Construction Sites
- Defective Products
- Defending an Appeal
- Denial By Lawrence Township And Public Employees Retirement System (Pers) Of Payment Of Life Insurance To Family Of Deceased Teacher’s Aide Reversed
- Director/Officer Sued for Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Corporate Governance Litigation
- Disclaimer
- Divorce
- Divorce Litigation – Going to Trial
- Do Not Be Afraid to Seek Workers’ Compensation Benefits in New Jersey
- Do Not Take it Upon Yourself to Modify Child Support Payments
- Dog Bite
- Dog Owners Beware
- Domestic Violence Victim
- Drug Researcher Gets $2 Million for Near Fatal Car-Truck Auto Injury
- DWI: What You Need to Know in New Jersey
- Escalator Accident
- Evaluating Potential Defendants in Personal Injury Cases
- Exclusivity Provision of the New Jersey Worker’s Compensation Act: Can I Sue My Employer for a Work Injury?
- Family Law
- Family Law & Divorce Mediation
- Family Law Appeal
- Family Law Partner Makes Third "Locks for Love" Donation
- Family Law: The State Of The Law In NJ Concerning Mid Marriage Agreements
- Free Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Seminar on June 7th
- Gary E. Adams
- Gary E. Adams named 2021 Best Lawyers® "Lawyer of the Year" in the Princeton area
- Gay and Transgender Workers Protected by Civil Rights Act of 1964
- General Facts about What Constitutes Personal Injury
- Governor Murphy Signs Bill Extending Workers' Comp to Essential Workers Who Got Coronavirus
- Governor Murphy's executive orders designed to help NJ combat the spread and the impact of the coronavirus
- Grounds for Sculpture, 2004 “Anniversary Arts Party”
- Hamilton Area YMCA Honors Thomas R. Smith with "Man of the Year" Award!
- Have you Been Injured in a Car Accident: Who Pays the Bills – New Jersey PIP Coverage
- Have You Been Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident in Snow and Ice in New Jersey? Know Your Rights!
- Healthcare Worker Gets $160,000 Settlement for Slip and Fall Injury
- Help us defeat H.R. 1215 the Protecting Access to Care Act
- Home
- How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney
- How the Americans with Disabilities Act Affects You
- How to Select a Lawyer
- Impact of Staffing Inadequacies Revealed by Working Nurses
- In Memoriam - Angela Papp
- Inflatable Rat Goes to the Supreme Court
- Injured Workers Have Both Benefits and Responsibilities
- Injuries to Arms, Legs, Hands and other Extremities
- Injuries to Children
- Jeffrey Monaghan, Esquire Spoke at the New Jersey Association of Justice's February Seminar on Workers' Compensation
- Jeffrey Monaghan, Esquire testifies before the Assembly Labor Committee
- Jeffrey S. Monaghan chosen as recipient of the New Jersey Association for Justice’s (NJAJ) Gold Medal for Distinguished Service
- Jeffrey S. Monaghan named recipient of NJAJ's Gerald B. O'Connor Award
- Join us in supporting the Hamilton YMCA's S.K.O.R. (Special Kids Organized Recreation) program at the "Special Night for Special Kids" event.
- Jonas Fund Awards $15,000 in “Alternative” Scholarships
- Keep an Eye on Your Trustee!
- Knee and Hip Injuries
- Know your future rights if you have received a Workers' Compensation Judgment in New Jersey
- Labor Arbitration Results In Over $700,000 in Back Wages
- Labor Firms Sign Statewide Deal to Provide Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation Lawyers for New Jersey Union Members
- Lawrence Township Asbestos Exposure Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Construction Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Crane Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Electrocution Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Fatal Work Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Firefighter Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Forklift Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Gas Explosion Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Hearing Loss Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Heavy Machinery Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Industrial Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Lost Wages Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Plant Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Police Officer Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Scaffolding Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Slip and Fall at Work Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Toxic Exposure Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Truck Driver Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Warehouse Accident Attorney
- Lawrence Township Workers' Compensation Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workers’ Compensation for Mental Health Claims
- Lawrence Township Workplace Accident Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workplace Back Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workplace Brain Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workplace Eye Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workplace Hip Injury Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workplace Sprain Lawyer
- Lawrence Township Workplace Violence Lawyer
- Lawrenceville Office Reopening on Limited Basis
- Lead Poisoning And The Law
- Less Traffic During Quarantine, But More Dangerous Roadways.
- LGBTQ Family
- Life Insurance Claim Denied to Wrongfully Terminated Public Employee
- Living Wills in New Jersey Law
- Local Attorney Addresses National Labor Conference in Washington
- Measure Twice, Cut Once – Protect Yourself Against Construction Accidents
- Monmouth County Superior Court Judge Grants Directed Verdict in Charles Russell v. Local 9 Case
- Motorcycle Accident
- Mt. Laurel Office Moving to Cherry Hill
- My Employer Has Labeled Me an Independent Contractor - Am I Entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
- Need Assistance After a Car Accident???
- Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Products Injury Alert- June 2009
- New Jersey Auto Accidents during COVID-19
- New Jersey Divorce Law: Obligation to pay for Child’s College Education
- New Jersey Employment & Labor Lawyer
- New Jersey Law Firm Awards Prizes to 3 Local Winners in Kids' Safety Day Raffle
- New Jersey Lawyers Award Youth Volunteer "PR&A Hamilton Area YMCA's S.K.O.R. Buddy Scholarship"
- New Jersey Medical Malpractice Case settles during jury selection for $1,750,000.00
- New Jersey Municipal Court Lawyer
- New Jersey Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect: How to Protect Your Loved One
- New Jersey Paid Family Leave Legislation
- New Jersey State Bar Taps Local Workers' Compensation & Disability Lawyer
- New Jersey Supreme Court Issues First Amendment Landmark Decision
- New Jersey Supreme Court Issues First Amendment Landmark Decision.
- New Jersey Trusts & Estates Litigation Attorney
- New Jersey Worker’s Compensation: Preexisting Injuries Do Not Preclude Recovery for a Work Injury
- New Jersey Workers' Compensation Lawyers Win $101,000 Award for Scaffold Fall in Construction Accident
- New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act Accounts for Occupational Injuries
- New Jersey Workers’ Compensation for Part Time Employees
- New Ruling Bans Using Arbitration Clauses To Bar Class Action Law Suits
- Nine PR&A Partners named New Jersey Super Lawyers
- NJ Commercial Law & Litigation Lawyer
- NJ Labor Lawyer Addresses Trustees at Union Benefit Fund Conference
- NJ Worker’s Compensation Decision holds Public Employer Responsible to Reimburse Injured Employee’s Medical Marijuana
- Nuances of the Child Support Guidelines
- Nursing Home Abuse & Negligence
- Nursing Home Bill of Rights
- Nursing Home Litigation
- Nursing Home Negligence: Arbitration Clauses in Nursing Home Contracts
- Nursing Home Preparedness During Natural Disasters
- Nursing Home Settlements
- Occupational Diseases
- Paralysis
- Partition: When a Co-Owner of Real Estate Refuses To Sell
- Pedestrian Accident
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman Assists in $20 Million Dollar Settlement from Ciba Geigy for Tom River Residents
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman attorneys named to 2018 Best Lawyers® list
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman Family Law Group Makes ‘Locks Of Love’ Donations
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman is pleased to announce that attorney Jennifer R. Haythorn has been named partner
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman ranked in 2019 "Best Law Firms"
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman ranked in 2020 "Best Law Firms"
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman ranked in 2021 "Best Law Firms"
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman ranked in 2024 "Best Law Firms"
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman receive Community Enrichment Award from Hamilton YMCA
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman sponsors the Greater Flemington Soccer Club
- Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman Wins Prestigious 2014 Litigator Award
- Pennsylvania Appellate Court States No Compensation Wage Loss Benefit Deduction for Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Benefits
- Pennsylvania Expands Extent of Workers Compensation Wage Loss Benefits
- Personal Injury - When Accidents Happen on Vacation
- Personal Injury Department Welcomes New Attorney
- Personal Injury Lawyer
- Photos of Our New Building!
- Possession of Pets After Divorce
- Power of Attorney and the Potential for Abuse
- PR&A Adds Two New Associates to the Family Law Group
- PR&A Attorney Appears Before NJ Supreme Court on Behalf of Volunteer Firefighter
- PR&A Attorneys Gary Adams, Bruce Miller, Edward Slaughter & Jeffrey Monaghan named to "Super Lawyers" List
- PR&A Attorneys Lydia Fabbro Keephart and Christopher DeAngelo Assist The Lawrenceville School In Winning Mock Trial Competition
- PR&A Attorneys named to 2015 Super Lawyers List
- PR&A Attorneys named to 2019 Super Lawyers/Rising Stars Lists
- PR&A Attorneys selected to the 2015 Super Lawyers’ Rising Stars List
- PR&A is pleased to announce that Jennifer Haythorn has been awarded the 2014 Avvo Clients’ Choice Award.
- PR&A is pleased to announce that Roberto J. Benites, Esquire has joined the Firm as a member of the workers’ compensation department.
- PR&A Lawyers and Staff Members Brighten the Holidays for 40 Children
- PR&A Partner Bruce Miller named among "Best Lawyers In America" for 11 Years Straight!
- PR&A receives "Friend of Labor" award from The Mercer County Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
- PR&A will be presenting a seminar/workshop on "Ethics in the Business Environment"
- PR&A's Gary Adams elected Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association’s (NJSBA) Workers’ Compensation Section
- PR&A's New Monthly Newsletter
- PR&A Attorneys Participate in the New Jersey Association of Justice's (NJAJ) 2024 Boardwalk Seminar
- PRA Appellate Attorneys Convince Appellate Division to Overturn Erroneous Jury Verdict
- PRA Appellate Attorneys Obtain Reversal of Family Court Erroneous Interpretation of Marital Settlement Agreement
- PRA Appellate Attorneys Win First Amendment Landmark Decision In NJ Supreme Court
- Practice Areas
- Prenuptial Agreement
- Preventative Lawyering
- Privacy Policy
- Rating Methodologies
- Repetitive Stress Injuries
- Required Insurance Company to Cover Defense and Settlement of Lawsuit
- Resolution of a PA Workers Compensation Claim by Compromise and Release Agreement does not preclude other Labor Claims
- Retail Department Store Employee Covered for Degenerative Knee Condition
- Retired cop hurt in N.J. road-rage attack awarded $1.6M judgment
- Salesman Between Appointments Covered By Workers' Compensation for Auto Accident Injuries
- Scheme to Defraud Our Clients Out of Millions Thwarted
- Section 40 of New Jersey Worker’s Compensation Act As Related to Other Personal Injury Claims
- Senior Pedestrian Wins in Auto Injury, Despite Crossing at Night in Rain and Outside Crosswalk
- Should you consider applying for Social Security Disability?
- Shoulder Injuries
- Sitemap
- Slip and Fall Injuries: Don’t Forget to Take a Photo
- Slip, Trip and Fall Accidents
- Snow and Ice Slip-and-Fall
- Social Security Disability
- Sports Accident
- St. Lawrence “Bike Rodeo & Skateboard Safety Jam” Raffle Winner
- Staircase Accident
- Straight Talk on Domestic Violence
- Suing Public Entities, Schools, and the Government
- Suing Stores and Shopping Malls
- Swimming Pool Accident
- Teaching Computers to SB Seniors Earns HS Senior Citizenship Award
- Thank You!
- The Basics of Living Wills
- The Basics of Motorcycle Accidents
- The Causes and Effects of Accidents Involving Trucks
- The Divorce Process
- The History of “Going to court is hardball”
- The New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division, reversed a decision of the Superior Court, Law Division in Supplemental Liability Insurance Policy
- The Pitfalls of Cutting Corners and “Saving Money” On Auto Insurance
- The Rules Governing The Conduct And Ethics Of New Jersey Attorneys
- The Supreme Court of New Jersey Rules That The Firefighters’ Rule Has Been Abolished
- Think You're Covered if Disability Strikes? Think Again!
- Thousands of NLRB and PERS Arbitrations and Private Employer Contracts for Dozens of Labor Unions and Civil Service Workers
- Three Million Dollar Settlement Obtained for Birth Injury Case
- Three Pellettieri Rabstein & Altman Lawyers Recognized as Best Lawyers® Award Recipients
- To Shovel Or Not To Shovel: THAT is the Question!
- Truck Accident
- Truck Accidents Lead to Catastrophic Personal Injuries but Tractor-Trailers are Still Rolling
- Trust Beneficiaries --- What Kind Of Discretion Do Your Trustees Have?
- Uber and Lyft Accident
- UPDATE - NJ Supreme Court issues ruling involving volunteer firefighter
- What Happens When A Will Is Made in New Jersey Before A Person Gets Married And Is Never Changed?
- What is an Appeal?
- When Choosing Auto Insurance, You're in the Driver's Seat!
- When Do Grandparents Have Custodial Rights To Their Grandchildren?
- When Does Child Support End?
- Whistleblower Sues Infamous Ostrich Farmer for Retaliation
- Will Contest in New Jersey
- Work-at-Home “Telecommuter” Recovers on Auto Accident
- Worker’s Compensation: CDC Releases Guidelines Regarding Prescribing Opioid Medication
- Workers' Comp Partner Appointed to Executive Committee of NJ State Bar Association
- Workers' Compensation - Hand and Foot Bill
- Workers’ Compensation
- Workers’ Compensation – Diseases Arising Out Of and in the Course of Employment
- Workers’ Compensation Attorney Fees in Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Cases
- Workers’ Compensation Disability Benefits
- Workers’ Compensation Medical and Disability Benefits for Life from Mesothelioma Exposure at Out-of-Business Employer
- Workers’ Compensation Protections for Essential Workers Infected by COVID-19
- Workers’ Compensation: Fitness for Duty Exams following Work Injuries
- Workers’ Compensation: New Jersey Anti Fraud Provision and Injured Workers Prior Medical History
- Your Right to Receive Medical Treatment When You’re Injured at Work
- Your Rights as an Employee in New Jersey
- Your Rights to Workers' Compensation Benefits
- Your Rights Under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA)
- Roberto J. Benites
- John A. Hartmann, III
- Jennifer R. Haythorn
- Elyse C. Herman
- Richard J. Isolde
- Maryanne Kannampuzha
- Lydia Fabbro Keephart
- Sherrill M. Menyhert
- Jeffrey S. Monaghan
- W. Barry Rank "Of Counsel"
- E. Elizabeth Sweetser
- Michelle T. Thompson
- Sherri L. Warfel
- Andrew L. Watson