Denial By Lawrence Township And Public Employees Retirement System (Pers) Of Payment Of Life Insurance To Family Of Deceased Teacher’s Aide Reversed

Susan Uyhazi, employed as a Teacher’s Aide in the Lawrence Intermediate School in the Lawrence Township School System, was stricken with cancer and died in January, 2002. After her death, her husband, Donald Uyhazi, applied for her group life insurance benefit but his request was denied by the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) based on the position taken by the Lawrence Township Board of Education that Mrs. Uyhazi had resigned prior to her death. Finally, more than a year after her death and on the eve of a hearing, the Lawrence Board and PERS agreed to reverse their decision. According to attorney Neal Solomon, partner in Pellettieri Rabstein and Altman of Princeton, who represented Mr. Uyhazi, the life insurance proceeds will be used for the college education of Mr. and Mrs. Uyhazi’s daughter.

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